Favourite Meal Of The Week: Shake Shack in Covent Garden! It's so good and recommend it to everyone to try out.

Favourite Designer: Chanel in Covent Garden

Favourite Picture Of The Week: Flowers frozen in nitrogen then exploded with an air gun. This is the geeky science side of me!! *LOOL's*

Favourite *awwww* Picture: Look at them! Too cute! 

Favourite Shoe Lust: I love heels like this! Need to find a pair like these! 

Favourite Song: I hope by Rebecca Ferguson 

This isn't a favourite, this is something which I hope you can all join in with me! If you do let me know what they are! 

*QUICK UPDATE* This will be the last Friday Favourites of 2013! Soo sad but I will be posting from today onwards everyday until new years eve on everything and some hauls! Keep your eyes peeled and do the countdown with me until news years eve! P.S I know it's Saturday but I have been so busy to post yesterday! 

Lot's of love 
Akey x 

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