It's Friday, Friday gotta get down on Friday! I surely can't be the only one who thinks of Rebecca Black's song when it's Friday......(LOOOL) You know what, I think everyone loves Friday because you know it's time to chill your beans! So sit down and chill my lovelies! 

Favourite Fruit Salad (Bit of everything) 

Favourite High street Eyeliner (L'oreal Super Liner) 

Favourite Lift Up

Favourite Messy Hairstyle

Favourite Bedroom View

Favourite Interior Design

Favourite Smile

Favourite Designer Gown (Oscar De La Renta)

Favourite Quote

That's my Friday Favourites! I hope you guys have checked my last post that I have uploaded (YES I uploaded two in one day!!!) Make sure you keep your eyes peeled for my new post on London Fashion Weekend!

Lots of love
Akey xx

I am pretty sure all of you bloggers have your eyeballs stuck on twitter, facebook and all other social networking websites to see what is happening this week at London Fashion Week! (I am one of them so you are not alone okay!!)

I always get excited when it comes to this time of the month because you get to see what's coming in and what's on trend. I love seeing what designers have done different for the season and what inspired them to think of certain styles. When it comes to fashion you either make it or break it, think of it like a phone... weird example but it should do! When a new phones comes out like an Iphone, you expect big things right? You want to see whats different and how will it outshine other models, its the same with fashion.

Every designer has their way of showing what they have brought new to the industry, it can either be a classic statement piece or it could be just for the season and you will never see it again. Anyway enough of me giving you a lesson on this!

Tomorrow I will be going to London Fashion Weekend! I am so excited because it's going to be a different atmosphere and you get to actually see how it's really like. 

I will be uploading pictures on my Instagram (@akeysworld) tomorrow. I will be doing a blog post on it (hopefully if I am not busy!) but if you want to see everything without waiting just check my Instagram! 

Lots of love 
Akey xx

So another week has gone by and it's Friday again! Don't you think this year is just going too quick?
As always you guy's know the drill if you read my blog, time for my favourites! 

Favourite Lipstick colour (I have found my perfect red shade guys!!! *CLAPS SO HARD* It's by Nars called Red Dragon) 

Favourite Drink (Virgin Pina colada.....Sooooo yummy) 

Favourite Laugh Of The Week (LOOOOOOL)

Favourite Idea (Floral Ice Cubes... WOW)

Favourite Nail Varnish Colour (Essie - Mesmerise)

Favourite Quote (This is what I hope to be and spread peace to everyone)

Favourite Location/Hideaway (Miami)

Favourite Flowers (I love peonies, they are like my all time faves!)

This week I will try to do more posts as I have some exciting news to tell you all! Also I hope you like my Friday Favourites and let me know if you have favourites this week!

Lots of love
Akey xx
TGIF! I always have a sense of relief when it's Friday for some reason? This time I am dreading it as I start my second year of 6th form *Sad face with tears* But I will survive! 

Favourite Scenery (Taken by me in my local park)  

Favourite Meal (Thai Green Curry in The Terrace (Wimbledon) )

Favourite Hairstyle (Love Up-dos with Plaits in them)

Favourite Quote *To throw things you don't need* (Had to include this as I live by this!) 

Favourite Watch (This is my next watch.....I will get it...Hopefully) 

Favourite Vintage Earrings (I love Chanel! It's my favourite designer)
Favourite Song (I just LOVE this track!)

That's my Friday Favourites for this week! Hope you liked them and if you have any favourites or any from mine, let me know!

Lots of love
Akey xx

Twitter: @Akeykhatun

Pinterest: Akey Khatun

I know, I know I haven't been posting any blogs and I have been slacking! I can't tell you how busy I am with work, wedding's and family gatherings like it's non stop! (Basically I am procrastinating)

I realised that I don't think any one knows anything about me? Like all you know is that I love clothes and make up but besides that you probably don't know anything about me soooooo how about I tell you some things about me! 

1.) I am 18! 

2.) I am in my final year of A Levels

3.) I am currently studying Biology, Chemistry and physics (I am intending on going to University!)

4.) I have OCD like everything has to be clean! 

5.) I am little miss perfect and everything should be in order and planned! 

6.) I am a Harry Potter freak... Like I know everything about Harry potter, it's basically my life and yes I did cry when I watched the finale of HP7.... No shame guys ! 

7.) My favourite colour has to be black. Like everything I own is black, if there's was an option between black and pink I would most probably go for black because I am just boring.

8.) I hate it when people make noises with their forks or spoons in their mouth... Arghhh like it's bothering me even talking about it! 

9.) I hate brushing my hair. Like literally I will walk out with a bush in my hair and not brush it because I refuse spend 20 mins brushing my hair. 

10.) I am a very open and cheerful person. People that know me will know that I am like a Duracell Bunny because I can go on and on. 

11.) I really dislike people who talking behind people's back and just say anything about anyone without actually even knowing them.

12.) I can't see the bad in people even if I wanted to because I think there's more to life then being negative.

13.) I love chocolate! 

14.) I love going out with my girls and just chilling with them. 

15.) I love music like I am an all rounder with all types of music but if I was to chose then it would be house music. 

So there are my 15 things about me! I know it's not much but I don't know what else to say.... If any of you have anything to ask me then just tweet me or leave me a comment and if I get enough questions I will do another "About Me" post. 

I hope you guys got to know me a bit better and hope you are all well! 

Lots of love 

Akey xx 

Twitter: @Akeykhatun
Pinterest: Akey Khatun


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