Hellllooo lovers! Well haven't I been missing for a few weeks or so.... I'm sorry that you are not getting your usual blog posts every Tuesday and Friday!

So any guesses what this post is about? Does the name give it away? No?? Well it's about Spots. Bleeding little buggers. They are a curse to man kind (not to mention that they can be painful sometimes too) and they also pop out of no where! Like where did you come from and why, what's your problem?!

I can tell you many reasons to why you are getting spots which can be due to your diet, lifestyle, facial products and even normal skin problems. But one thing I will recommend to all the people who suffer from spots is Tea Tree Oil, you can't go wrong with the stuff! Tea Tree Oil has it's own benefits such as its targeted for blemished skin as well as it's soothing, has antibacterial properties and doesn't dry out your skin. I find that using Tea Tree Oil has kept my spots under control during the last few months of school (As I call it "Stress Period") I also have introduced it into my skin care regime so its all balanced out and that I am not having massive breakouts.

I would recommend Tea Tree Oil to any of my stressers out there that need help and also to people who have sensitive skin like me. I know spots are horrible and they are the last thing you want to deal with but let's face it ladies (also guys if there are any reading this) you will get them throughout your life, sad but true. I never got bad spots until last year as I was always stressing out... even when I was sitting down I was stressing out. The Que is to go "Girl ain't nobody got time for that" and I mean it! Don't stress guys because its not good for the health or for you so take sometime out and chill.

I will try to keep up the flow of blog posts but as mentioned I will be on and off till June! I will be posting regularly after that and also I am always on my social media such Instagram and Twitter so you can catch me on there!

Lots of love 

Products to try
  • Body Shop Tea Tree Oil
  • Holland & Barrett Tea Tree Oil
  • Australian Body Care Tea Tree Oil for Hand and Body 

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